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Privacy Statement is a trade formula of Huis van Gemak B.V.

In this privacy statement you can read that Huis van Gemak B.V. treats personal data with great care. Attention the data protection according GDPR (General Data protection Regulation GDPR) we declare that we fully accept and act according the policy rules.

This website contains one of more contact forms. Visitors can leave their contact details and ask for further information. We inform these people about our products and services. We don't sell these data to other companies. And we don't send these people newsletters. We just respond tot heir question.


This website does not use cookies. We don't follow visitiors. We don't even follow website traffic statistics. We don't have any client login or webshop. We communicate with our clients by telephone, face-to-face meetings and e-mail.

What data does Huis van Gemak B.V. collect?

  • » your name, adress , telephone number and e-mailadress
  • » the product you have interest in
  • » user preferences

How does Huis van Gemak use this data?

We use this data to advise our customers about the ideal product. We send you a proposition about the product specifications and the price. We don't send information about any other product. We will send you 1 reminder if you have received our information properly. But we don't repeat sending messages. And we don't send newsletters.

Data storage

Huis van Gemak B.V. saves your data with care. Huis van Gemak B.V. protects this storage against unauthorised access.

Sharing data

In some circumstances we work together with our suppliers or other partners to serve you better. Our partners have agreed to treat the data with the same care as we. We will not share data with other parties or marketing agencies.

Delete data

Huis van Gemak B.V. deletes all information that is older than 2 years via datawipe. Onused laptops will be destroyed by a shredder. If you wish that we delete your information earlier you can inform us.


You can contact us telephone +31 22 67 51 444 for your questions.